Monday, October 15, 2012

Gulls Must be Crazy

Ah, the melancholy feeling of the end of the summer season quickly coming upon us. You all know the feeling-deserted walks, no 6ish, and worst of all having to nudge the heat a bit. Hard to believe when we were all experiencing the intense heat this summer.
So we make do and do more before closing down.
I was able top go out with a couple of male friends for the weekend. Too cold for my wife and daughters, just us guys reveling in the camping type conditions. Two of us are avid surf casters and the other us currently in process of marriage separation.  Not sure what that has to do with this blog, but it lent to great conversations. While I cannot remember details I can assure you that if we had a video cam recording the time we spent around the table, couch and beach recounting and sharing views on women, marriage, and personal views you would be howling with laughter, and surprised at the honesty.
We took advantage of the late good weather and sat on the beach, watched the waves for signs of striped bass or bluefish. Saturday was pretty chilly and we casted without success. We woke up Sunday to what felt like tropical strength winds. Getting to the beach we experienced such strong winds, amazing curling white caps and the seas all jumbled up in all directions. A small cliff had been gouged out and we had to deal with waves splashing against this wall as we tried to get a lure beyond the close churning waters. We casted against the strong wind and waves for over half an hour being almost blown over or swept out to sea in the process. Exhilarating! The sun was out, the temps has risen from the previous day, and it was just great to be out there in the elements doing the primal hunt thing.

After getting beat up enough by the elements we went back for a breakfast of flagels, scrambled eggs with feta cheese and good coffee.
The back to the beach for the fish watch. The wind had not dropped so we found ourselves pelted by whipping sand. The only choice was to get closer to the water and avoid loose sand. That worked well and the three of us sat, watched, exchanged more silly stories, and wondered when the fish would appear. And we sat. Then casted, Then sat, then went back for lunch then sat, then casted again. Unfortunately not one fish nor small bait fish.
Which leads me to this anecdote. Fair Harbor is full of these short personal vignettes.
We were taking the 4:30 ferry back when I ran into Warren. Many of you know Warren from the Youtube videos I did the past couple of years for garbage day. Anyway he shared this story which I hope you will enjoy. WARNING-the video is terrible, Little did I know that the wind would wash out the sound. But funny to watch Warren's gestures anyway.
We did not catch fish, but he did! 
Here is the Youtube link. Be sure to lower the sound. To read the story, scroll down under the video and :Read More".
Hope to see a few more of you out there the next couple of weeks before the season totally ends!

1 comment:

Fair Harbor said...

We all hate for "summer" to end.
Here is a cute story to help ease the pain